"Corporate image is described as overall impression made on the Minds of the public about organization. It is related to business name, architecture, variety of products / services, tradition, ideology, an to the impression of quality commuicated by each employee interacting with the organization's clients ".
Meaning corporate image is an overall impression that is formed of the minds public about the company. Where the image associated with your business name, architecture, variety of products, traditions, ideology and the impression on the quality of communications made by any employee who interacts with the client organization.
This indicates that the company's image not only shows the impressions of an individual attribute, but rather the overall role and function of the company. In other words, corporate image can be perceived as a mental image selectively. Because the overall impression about the characteristics of a company who would later form the minds of corporate image.
Within the company there are a variety of information and conclusions about the company. Each company can have more than one image depends on the condition of the company interactions and communications with different groups, such as: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers where each group has different experiences and relationships with the company.
In other words, corporate image resulting from the assessment group of consumers, so that corporate image is the value of an enterprise of the evaluation group. Therefore, the company's image can be rated positively or negatively.
Often there is a tendency stakeholders rarely interact with the company, thereby reducing their capacity to obtain concrete information about the company. This has sometimes lead to wrong perceptions to the imagery of a company's stakeholders. To that end, companies need to communicate clearly about the company expected, so it can direct the community in a positive corporate image. Further, the image is the result of an assessment of a number of attributes, but the image is not the assessment itself, because the image is the most prominent consumer impression of the company, which is evaluated and considered by consumers in making purchasing decisions.